best motivational books

5 Best Inspirational Books that Everyone should Read

Voodle Staff 5 years ago 0 7

 When picking a new book to read, motivational content is very uplifting. Inspirational books are access to some of the best minds in this world. A few pages of a well-written inspirational book looks like the essence of life lessons and learning. You get to discover ideas, habits, and tactics, which are seeds to success.

When it comes to choosing from the best inspirational books, you have to take your pick from the genres of business, marketing, and creativity. A great book is the one that divulges ideas effectively and clearly without having to drag things with unnecessary words. The best of the books are often short, concise, and expose the genius. And what defines you is how you take inspiration from the concepts shared in the books.

I went through all the reviews of some of my favorite inspirational books with my Frontier Internet service. And here I have a list to share with you.

5 Motivational Books Which You Shouldn’t Miss

The best thing about a motivational book is that it helps you interpret the world around your more positively. It helps you recognize your abilities and smash the limitations to make better choices for yourself. Check out these amazing titles.

  1. Steal Like an Artist.
  2. The One Thing.
  3. Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff and Its All Small Stuff.
  4. 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change.
  5. The Four Agreements: A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom.

Let’s know some details.

Steal Like an Artist

Austin Kleon is the writer of this insightful book. The book revolves around the concept of being yourself. You don’t have to be a genius to be successful in life. You need to be yourself, recognize your potential, and give your best. Austin is a young artist and writer. He is a staunch believer in creativity and believes that everyone has his share of creativity.

You will love the positive messages, exercises, illustrations, graphic look, and the quoted examples in the book. Readers will get in touch with their artistic self.

The One Thing

“The One Thing” focuses on the power of focus and is one from the list of best inspirational books. Improving your focus to one thing is a powerful and effective practice. This bestseller by Gary Keller has already sold over 2 million copies. He also shares about the one thing that made his own company one of the biggest real estate firms in the world. Do you know what was it? It was writing this book! It positioned him and his firm as the authority in the real estate arena in the United States.

Some of the takeaway productivity tips from the book are:

  • Minimize the clutter.
  • Achieving the best results in a time crunch.
  • Building momentum towards your goals.
  • Dial down your stress levels.

You must read the book to enjoy its true essence.

Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff and Its All Small Stuff

 Written by Richard Carlson, the book is thoroughly motivational and therapeutic. It makes us see the bigger picture and learn to let go of unnecessary things. It tells us to keep our focus on the important things in life. Cherishing your loved ones and take some moments to appreciate the good things in life will make us happier and content.

It encourages us to see the small details and little things in life. Appreciating what you have and being grateful for it will save us from depression. A must-read!

7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change

Stephen R. Covey wrote this motivational and educational book. It was originally published back in 1989. And until now, it has sold more than 25 million copies in more than 40 languages worldwide! It is perhaps all about habits that make us successful, positive, and motivated in life. Developing those productive and positive habits is the key to a better life.

The 7 habits which are touted in the book are:

  • Keeping the first things first,
  • Be proactive.
  • Begin things with their end into consideration.
  • Stay in the win-win state of mind.
  • Synergize.
  • Understand first, and then expect to be understood.
  • Preserve and enhance your great assets. Sharpen the saw!

We can safely recommend to add it to your reading bucket-list!

The Four Agreements: A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom

Miguel Ruiz, the author of the book believes and propagates the four agreements in life as fundamental steps to one’s path to freedom. He advocates that without freeing your soul, it is impossible to achieve anything great in life. The book is thoroughly uplifting and inspiring. The four agreements are:

  • Being impeccable with your word.
  • Do your best. Always!
  • Stop taking things personally.
  • Stop making assumptions.

Adopting and developing some simple habits and key rules in life will make your life easier and happier. And most importantly, the diligent application of all these agreements will successfully lead you to achieve your personal freedom.

Make your children and teens read these amazing books too. Though I have the most entertainment-enriched Xfinity showtime channels I make sure my kids read books. It is important to educate your children that nothing can replace the habit of reading! And providing them with some great books like these will spark their interest.

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